Hold on I have to take a side road just for a moment. Don't tell my students, because I teach them to "stay on track" when they are writing. Romans 8:28 is my "go to" verse. It says, "And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose." I do see His good.
Friday morning on my way to school I was frazzled. I had to leave early, because I had used all of my wrapping paper. I still had student gifts to wrap. I left the house crying, and this was my prayer: God, please show me a glimpse of my baby. I need to see him. After a thought, I continued with; I know You can't do this God. I will have to wait. I rode some more, and I then said; Yes, You can You are God. You can do anything. I preceded to go thru McDonald's drive thru where I saw my first glimpse; a red Mustang with JD's signature on it! I thanked God and continued throughout my day with several glimpses of my child. These all came from other people who did not know of my prayer, except for one person who sent me the quote, "When you believe beyond what your eyes can't see, signs from Heaven show up to remind you that love never dies."
This is where I come back to seeing Jesus in others. I believe God chose to answer my prayer by using these people to show me that He is with me and will never leave me; just as He promises. I thank Him for that promise and all the others He has kept.
If you're reading this, and you don't know my God; it is my prayer today that you find a way to know Him. He is what this season is about. He sent His Son to die so that we may live!
As I leave you, I'm leaving you with Merry Christmas wishes.